ok, so, lmao...
biked to school today, dads following his own rules. Nisha still had my lock, so stephan locked my bike. Justin show up... he have the goods we had him get from china town. butane and stephans stupid scorpion lighter... wtf, lmao
haha, awesome, i finally learned something in 0 period (oxidation number of molecules is simple subtraction, lmfao). Printed english homework in first cuz for some reason my printer didnt work. Also, I couldnt figure something out so i made a fool of myself.
2nd period... omg, mr fogle HATES me and chaz. we berely whisper and hes like "you talk too much". ugh, hes stupid too. every single day he indirectly insutls the class, and the test was fucked up today.
First, he thinks hes the only teacher that lets you study right before the teast... actually all my teachers have so far... hes trying to make himself look nice.
the test: soo many of the questions were horribly worded... i was able to get past all but one... which had me thinking for minutes cuz of the way it was worded. it said 2 before zero, which was confusing cuz it meant it waited 2 before reaching 0... so yea
spanish: i talked about my weekend 2 get points... we finished our presentations...
walked around the buliding on the outsied instead of the outside... ppl walked right past me, even tho i yelled out a name, i felt GREAT.
4th period: um... i lent out $5 and i need to remember to get paid back... one way or another
lunch: got my lock back and saw a really good study sheet for my chem test... damn parhum for not giving it to me. lmfao, "its qays... ewwwww" (alyssa, cuz i disturbed her yesterday)
then tari walked by my table like 4 times... still wondering wtf, lmao, but anyway
5th period: we got a lecture on cuts, then got to swim... i pulled a muscle in my left leg.... omfg it hurt
6th period: turned in homework which for once i did... read my book most of class... joined in discussion a bit... then school over, yay!